BiomedRx TV is part of the public media arm of BiomedRx, which also includes BiomedRx Radio and BiomedRx Productions. BiomedRx TV is the brainchild of Los Angeles entrepreneur Devin Lockett. Following the original protocol of BiomedRx Radio, which aired on Salem Radio AM 590 in San Bernardino, California, BiomedRx TV’s primary focus is high-tech holistic health television.
What is meant by high-tech holistic health? Devin’s entry into healthcare was as a biomedical and clinical engineer. Through many years of study and work in the field of biomedical equipment maintenance, and because of personal life events, Devin began studying neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) therapy and became a certified neurofeedback clinician.
Since then, Devin Lockett and the BiomedRx health center have expanded their service scope to include biomagnetic pair therapy, as well as other subtle energy technologies. This has opened a new world of discovery. BiomedRx Radio was first to begin exploring the emerging world of biotechnology, and now the baton has been passed to BiomedRx TV.
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